december delights Our December s3s event, kindly hosted by the Collamatis, proved to be one of the best-attended and most-festive so far.… Continue reading “december delights”…
nov s3s We’re a bit behind on our highlights for the last s3s event, but here’s a sense of the evening. Apologies… Continue reading “nov s3s”…
october s3s Alas, in a terrible oversight, I never published anything about our terrific s3s event in October, hosted kindly by Donna… Continue reading “october s3s”…
An RCID Request This was created by Anthony Collamati, with the help (to varying degrees) of other RCID students. It has been delivered… Continue reading “An RCID Request”…
Conference Clearinghouse ATTW12th Annual ATTW Conference – March 11th, 2009 – San Francisco, CATheme: Beyond Work? Technical Communication in Professional, Community, &… Continue reading “Conference Clearinghouse”…
SECOND LOOKS Halfway through September, a second S3S gathering, the Vitanzas reopen their home (is it ever closed?), and the surprises keep… Continue reading “SECOND LOOKS”…
hear ye, hear ye… Justin makes really nice newsletters. Amanda sent me a sample, and after reading through it, one word stuck with me:… Continue reading “hear ye, hear ye…”…
3.1: party the first On Friday, 29 August 2008, the Society of the 3rd Sophistic (or ‘s3s’, or, as I’ve always fondly considered it,… Continue reading “3.1: party the first”…
histories Discussions for an informal society of sorts began among RCID in December 2006, initially through the suggestion of vv. Justin… Continue reading “histories”…
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