3.1: party the first

On Friday, 29 August 2008, the Society of the 3rd Sophistic (or ‘s3s’, or, as I’ve always fondly considered it, ‘the nerd party’) recommenced monthly gathering for the third time. As has become tradition, the Vitanzas kindly hosted this first event of the new school year. Many students, faculty and families attended — many familiar faces (Dinolfos, Mortons, Elisa Sparks, Jason Helms, Alicia Hatter, to name a few) and several new (including Collamatis, Newbolds, Nicole MacFarlane, JFB and Amy Monaghan). Not everyone could make it, of course, but three specific absences deserve special note — Nikki Hodgson, Xiaoli Li, and Wu Dan. They were busy caring for (and recovering from) the newest additions to RCID — a formal s3s welcome to YiYi, Gavin, and Yihan! We look forward to seeing them (and their parents, of course) at future events.

As usual, the gig hopped, with guests milling all around the house and back porch, enjoying countless delectable treats and engaging conversations of the academic and “otherwise” varieties. We caught up from our busy summers, hearing tales of travel, creation, and even some rest. New classes, for the taking and the teaching, were reflected upon, with expressions of hope, anxiety, overwhelmingness, and delight. While many guests began departing around 10pm, a few hardcore attendees held out until after midnight (note: this is not a standard requirement, and should not frighten either attendees nor future (and potential) hosts!).

In the final analysis, a good time seemed to be had by all. Evidence can be found through image. Theoretically, you should be able to view said photos, currently posted in my Facebook account, by following these links:
s3s August, aka “academics gone wild”
rcid kids (pics taken by Garrett and Ana)

I’ll be working on other photo delivery methods as the semester progresses. I also encourage feedback (I’m quite sensitive to picture desirability — if you don’t like an image of yourself, I will gladly remove it!) and contribution. Send on your own images!

That’s all for now. Looking forward to seeing everyone at our next gathering, coming soon to a location near you — specifically, the Vitanzas’, on Friday, 12 September 2008.


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